Autumn Term 2024: Kindness

Home » Autumn Term 2024: Kindness

Week 1 (Beginning 09.09.24)

Kindness: Compassion

What does compassion mean to you?On Monday Mr Storey introduced the weekly value of compassion. Several pupils were asked to place their shoes at the front of the hall which grabbed the children’s attention. Mr Storey then asked different children to go and try on the shoes and explain to the children how they felt.
Using this representation, the children were able to understand the analogy of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

The children were then asked to identify which bible story portrays this message. The children then watched an animated video of the Good Samaritan.
Before we concluded Collective Worship with the Lord’s Prayer, we took time to recognise two children who had completed the Mini Great North Run. Imogen had raised over £2,500 for charity and John had raised over £400.
On Wednesday we welcomed back our Open the Bible Team who delivered a performance to begin the New Testament. The Birth of Jesus based on Luke 1-2 was fantastic. It was also lovely to welcome two new volunteers who have joined the team.

On Friday we held our weekly reflective collective worship and our celebration assembly. Awards and certificates were given out including to three of our adults who completed the Great North Run. We celebrated birthdays and discussed the up and coming Everest Climbing Challenge!
The use of a physical representation for compassion worked well as the children were captivated with the input.
The chosen children explained how the shoes felt,
“These shoes are too big for me.”
“These ones are too tight and hurt my toes.”
The children were able to make links to the value of compassion and relevant bible stories.
The children were excited to see Open The Bible Team again. They enjoyed the story of Christmas and understood that it represented new starts and beginnings.
It was lovely to hear how well the children have settled back into school and to hear about their hard work this week.
The Head Teacher award was given to Alexander who has lived and breathed our school vision.

Week 2 (Beginning 16.09.24)

Kindness: Caring

Why is it important to be caring?Mrs Cross introduced this week’s value of Caring. We talked about caring for ourselves, for others inc animals and caring for the world God created. We talked about creation (Genesis) and also the message in Mark 12: 29-31 which tells us to love God, our neighbours and ourselves. Children were asked to reflect on who they care for and who cares for them. Mrs Cross highlighted the areas in school where children can get care and support such as the Reflection Zone and the Speak Out Stay Safe area.
On Wednesday we took on our National Fitness Day challenge – Climbing Mount Everest. In collective worship we talked about the first climb and how the team had to care for each other during the challenge. The winner of our ‘best dressed adult’ went to Ms Ingwersen!
On Friday we held our reflection collective worship on our theme of caring. It was lovely to hear how caring our children have been and the huge number of ways they have shown that care.
We then had our celebration assembly, awarding certificates and special awards. This week was extra special as we also awarded the rosettes, certificates, prizes and trophies from our Stanhope Show Art Competition.
It was lovely to hear children talk about how they care for others, their families, their animals and the world around them. They talked about caring for Stanhope and for their school which was very special.
It was lovely to see so many adults and children join in with our Everest Challenge on Wednesday. The staff really made a great effort at getting dressed up. The children took pride in their achievement for their school.
Our children were all really pleased for each other and showed support for the Stanhope Show winners. Our Challenge & Support Partner observed and said it was a truly joyous occasion.

Week 3 (Beginning 23.09.24)

Element of Vision: Kindness

Weekly Value/Focus: Supportive

Intent Question:Implementation:Impact:
How can we be supportive of others?On Monday Collective Worship was delivered by Mr Storey. The session began with a number of different images from several bible stories. The children were challenged to identify who in the story was showing supportive skills. The children received feedback from a learning walk on Friday where it was evident our school vision is lived continuously. The children were asked to keep up these high standards in and out of school. We also discussed Recycling Week where together we investigated that impact plastic has on our environment. Mr Clarke has set the School Council a task of improving how we recycle in class. 

On Wednesday our Open The Bible Team performed The Star Watchers based on the story of the Wise Men in Matthew Ch2. A number of children took part in the performance and afterwards we discussed how the wise men made the difficult but right choice to ignore King Herod and not tell him where the baby Jesus was to be found.On Friday we held our MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning where we invited parents/carers in to school and the children all bought a cake at playtime.
Daniel, “The inn keeper had no rooms but let Jesus and Mary stay in the stable and others sent them away.” Henry, “Noah listened to what God said and he made an Ark for all the animals and his family.”          Children were skilful at making links between our values from last week and this week and described the wise men as being ‘caring and supportive’.Thank you to everyone who supported this event. We raised £102.50 for MacMillan Cancer!     

Week 4 (Beginning 30.09.24)

Element of Vision: Kindness

Weekly Value/Focus: Thoughtful

Intent Question:Implementation:Impact:
How can we be thoughtful this Harvest time?On Monday Collective Worship was delivered by Mr Storey who introduced this week’s theme of being thoughtful. This value was linked to our Harvest Festival which is coming up on Friday. We discussed how we can be thoughtful for others who have less than we do.
Throughout the week we practiced our Harvest service including readings, poetry, songs and prayers.

On Friday we reflected on how we had been thoughtful this week. We looked at our Spirituality frame and talked about being thoughtful about ourselves (In), other people (Out) and about God/Jesus/Spirituality (Up).
In the afternoon we held our annual Harvest Festival in St Thomas’ Church. Two of our children demonstrated ‘confidence’ in playing the violin in front of the whole congregation. The children sang enthusiastically and many people attending were really positive and moved by the event.
“I was thoughtful because I helped my mam to carry some heavy boxes when she was struggling”
“It is thoughtful to think of how other people are feeling” Dexter
“People were thoughtful about me when it was my birthday” Emily.
The children were really articulate when discussing In Out Up.
Our Harvest Festival was really well attended by parents, carers, grandparents and other members of our community.
“This was a joyous event” Grandparent
“It was really lovely to see all the children singing together”
“It was awesome seeing the church so full” Rev Michael 

Week 5 (Beginning 07.10.24)

Element of Vision: Kindness

Weekly Value/Focus: Gentleness to Animals

Intent Question:Implementation:Impact:
Why is it important to be gentle to animals?On Monday Mr Storey delivered collective worship and introduced this week’s value of being gentle to animals. We read the story of The Kings Horse and discussed how we need to care for animals even when they get older. We used the example of Mrs Cross’ old horse – Morgan.
On Wednesday our Open the Bible team delivered a performance of The Boy in the Temple based on Luke 2. We talked about Jesus being just like us, his parents worried about him when he went missing and loved him.
On Thursday our assembly was delivered by our Happiness Heroes who talked about Our Voice Matters and how individual and unique everybody is. They launched an acrostic poem competition.
Then Henry gave a presentation on his superpower – having an allergy and eczema. He asked others with superpowers to come out to the front and join him and many children did.
He then talked about the stone he has decorated and how he would like everyone with a  superpower to design a superhero based on their own superpower which could be autism, dyslexia, cystic fibrosis, Diabetes, allergies, eczema or anything at all.
On Friday in our reflective collective worship we talked about how we have shown gentleness towards animals this week. We made the link to Noah’s Ark and how God values all animals.
Certificates were given out, awards presented and birthdays celebrated. We used our Wheel of Fortune to award prizes to children who had completed their homework this week.
The children could give lots of examples of when they had been gentle to animals.
“I was gentle with my dog when he was getting put down.”
“I was gentle with the sheep when I helped dad on the farm”
Two children were given certificates for being gentle with our Therapy Hens and Aela – our Therapy Dog.
The impact of Henry’s presentation is overwhelming. It was amazing to see so many children have the confidence to stand up and say ‘I have a superpower too’.
Henry talked with passion and determination to ensure all children know that their voice is important and will be heard in our school.
A very moving and heart-warming assembly today. We are all very proud of Henry.
Children were highly motivated by the new Wheel of Fortune. It was lovely to see all children celebrating each others’ achievements.

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