Policy: Collective Worship Policy 2023-2024
Report: FINAL SIAMS Report 2023
Collective Worship is an important part of school life at Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School. Collective Worship focusses on making space and time for pupils, staff, academy councillors and sometimes the wider school community to join together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer.
Our Vision:
A place where our children, adults and community can grow and thrive rooted in Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence.
Our School Prayer:
Oh Lord, Bless our school
When working together and playing together,
We learn to serve you and to serve one another.
Introducing our Open the Bible Team
We are absolutely delighted to introduce you to our Open the Bible Team who come into school most weeks to deliver a drama session based on a story from the Bible. The Team are led by Rev. Bruce and Rev. Michael and consist of members of our local community who kindly give up their own time to deliver this amazing experience for our children.
At the beginning of the year Rev. Bruce and the Head Teacher meet to plan out the Collective Worship sessions which support and reinforce our school vision and associated values.
The introduction of Open the Bible has transformed our delivery of Collective Worship in school. The performances have a real impact on our children from the very youngest in Nursery right up to our Year 6 children who debate and discuss the bigger issues presented in the Bible.
The Collective Worship sessions are often interactive with children from the audience joining.
During a recent RE inspection visit, specific mention was made about the impact this way of delivering Collective Worship has had for our children. It is unique in that it is delivered ecumenically with both our Methodist and Anglican clergy working closely together for the benefit of our children and our school. We are incredibly grateful.
Collective Worship 2024-2025
Archived Collective Worship
You can view our Archived Collective Worship work on our website.