Collective Worship – AUTUMN TERM 2021

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Week 1 (Beginning 06.09.21)

Introducing our Christian Vision: Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence (KFC)

INTENTION – “What does it mean to be KIND? Can you find examples of people showing KINDNESS throughout the week?”

IMPLEMENTATION –   Together with Mrs. Cross, we examined the ‘Big Picture’ of Christianity by arranging the major events contained within the Bible. We had opportunities to explore our Autumn Term focus: ‘Kindness’ during the week at our Key Stage Collective Worship gatherings and throughout the school day.

IMPACT – On Friday morning we gathered in the Hall to share our thoughts and observations of KINDNESS:

“I noticed that when a little girl fell down that an older girl helped her to get up – that was KIND!”

“I was kind because I helped look after my dog.” George

We learned that there are many ways to be KIND. We noticed examples of KINDNESS at home, in school and on the playground. There was an opportunity to reflect quietly on how we could be kind to each other at school, at home and in our community every day.

Week 2 (Beginning 13.09.21)

KINDNESS: Compassion

INTENTION – “What does it mean to be COMPASSIONATE? “How can I show COMPASSION this week?”

IMPLEMENTATION –  We had Rev. Bruce Sawyer, Mrs. Sawyer and Rev. Claire McClelland come into school as part of ‘Open the Book’ to read the Bible story of The Kind Stranger (Luke 10:25-37). This story showed us what it means to be compassionate. In our Key Stage Collective Worship gatherings we looked at how we can look after each other.

IMPACT – On Friday morning we reflected on what we learned throughout the week on the theme of COMPASSION:

“I noticed that my dad needed help, so I helped him out.” Euan

“I helped feed my baby brother to help my mum” Arran

“I checked in with Mrs. Howes-Jones to make sure she was OK.” Bella

We learned that we can show kindness by being compassionate to others by lending a hand or by ‘checking in’!

Week 3 (Beginning 20.09.21)


INTENTION – “Why is it important to be CARING?” “How can I be CARING to those around me?”

IMPLEMENTATION – Rev. Claire McClelland came into school to share the Bible Story of The Good Shepherd (Matthew 18:10-14). She chose some volunteers to be sheep – one got ‘lost’ behind Mr. Clarke but it was found which showed us that we are all important and that Jesus cares for each of us. We learned about the importance of being caring in our Key Stage Collective Worship gatherings, too. Mrs. Humble even brought her adorable puppy, Sage, in to school to share how to care for our pets.

IMPACT – On Friday morning we looked back on our week and the theme of CARING. We shared our experience with the school:

“I gave my mum some chocolate to show I care!” Jack

“I care about my mum so helped clean the house!” Leo

“Sage came to visit so we could learn how important it is to care for animals.” Kobi

“I helped my Grandad carry wood.” Carlton

Week 4 (Beginning 27.09.21)

KINDNESS: Supportive

INTENTION – “How can I be kind by being SUPPORTIVE?

IMPLEMENTATION – Rev. Claire McClelland joined us to tell us the Bible story Jesus is Baptised (John 1-17). In the Key Stage Collective Worship gatherings we built a giant LEGO structure to demonstrate how blocks support each other and how we support each other. A group of KS2 girls performed an act based around being supportive to friends. Emily and Noah asked the audience questions to engage them. A small group of children created their own prayer about being supportive to share with the rest of the children.

IMPACT – On Friday morning we gathered in the Hall to reflect on the week of learning about KINDNESS through being SUPPORTIVE.

“We can make the LEGO strong so it doesn’t fall – like us.” Layla

“I was supportive to my mum by helping with the washing!” Euan

“I helped my mam to clean the kitchen.” Maisy

“I supported someone in school to get a drink of water.” Dexter

“I supported my friend to learn their spellings.” Cooper

“I give the teachers a smile to make their day a little bit better.” Emily

The children have learned that we can all have times when we struggle and if we support each other we make each other stronger.

Week 5 (Beginning 04.10.21)

KINDNESS: Thoughtful

INTENTION – “Think of something THOUGHTFUL that you can do for someone else this week.”

IMPLEMENTATION – On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Cross read the Bible Story Jesus Teaches Through Stories (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8). In our Collective Worship gatherings throughout the week we explored being THOUGHTFUL in a variety of ways. For example, in the EYFS/KS1 Collective Worship Mr. Storey encouraged the children to be thoughtful by creating a card to say thank you to Rev. Bruce Sawyer and Rev. Claire McClelland for their lovely message about rainbows and God’s promise at our Harvest Service at the Methodist Chapel. At the KS2 Collective Worship gathering Miss Hunter-Purvis led a discussion on thoughtfulness and Mrs. Parvin read a Thrive story closing with a prayer:

Dear Lord, We thank you for the examples we see today, we thank you for people who show us how to be thoughtful, how they brighten and bring colour to other’s days. Thank you to those who are thoughtful around us and bring much positivity to our lives. Dear Lord, show us how to be kind and thoughtful each day. Amen.

IMPACT – On Friday morning we gathered in the Hall to reflect on what it means to be THOUGHTFUL and to discover what THOUGHTFUL things we did this week.

“I played with the little ones on the big field.” Thomas

“I tidied up the paper towels that were on the floor to be thoughtful of the cleaners.” Jake

“I helped Mrs. Davies tidy up the classroom.” Alexander

“I made a rainbow card with Sophie to say thank you.” Eliza

The children understand the importance to thinking of other people and how that thoughtfulness can inspire KINDNESS to others.

Week 6 (Beginning 11.10.21)

KINDNESS: Gentleness

INTENT – “Think of three ways we can be GENTLE this week.”

IMPLEMENTATION – On Wednesday, the Open the Book team (Rev. Bruce Sawyer, Caroline Sawyer and Rev. Claire McClelland) visited to share the story: Waiting for a Friend. This is the story about Leah at the well where she encounters Jesus and he demonstrated gentleness towards her. The class and Key Stage Collective Worship gatherings addressed the many ways that we can be gentle to ourselves and to others, like Jesus was to Leah.

IMPACT – Collective Worship this week was invitational and inspiring. The children engaged with this week’s story which was brought to life by the acting and use of props. The children, through their experience during their class Collective Worship gatherings, whole school Collective Worship and Key Stage Collective Worship were able to reflect upon what they had learned and invited to make connections to their own lives. This was a rich experience which allowed the children to deepen their understanding of Christianity and its relevance to today’s world.

“I was GENTLE with books by turning the pages carefully.” Amina

“I can be GENTLE with kittens!” Ruby

“I  encouraged my friends.” George

Week 7 (Beginning 18.10.21)

KINDNESS: Reflection

INTENT – “How have we been KIND this half term?”

IMPLEMENTATION – All this week in Collective Worship we have been reflecting on what we have learned about being KIND.

IMPACT – There is a firm understanding of the values that we have explored this half term. The children have expanded their vocabulary and are able to connect their Collective Worship experiences with their own lives.

“My dad needed help so I helped him. I was being KIND because I was supporting him.” Riley

“I helped the story man tell stories and that made him happy.” Dexter

“I liked learning about COMPASSION.” Ava

Week 8 (Beginning 25.10.21) – HALF TERM

Week 9 (Beginning 01.11.21)

KINDNESS: Forgiveness

What does it mean to be forgiving?Whole school Launch of value. Look at world faiths teachings on forgiveness and quotes from famous people.Children have written poems about forgiveness.
Children have all been given the opportunity to voice ideas and suggestions of how we can be forgiving.
Class and Key Stage Collective Worship including writing poetry.Children are more confident in talking about forgiving each other.
Open the Book Team deliver The Big Spender based on The Prodigal Son.Children have been overheard at lunchtime and playtime using the words: “It’s ok I forgive you.”
Whole School Collective Worship on Playing outside together and solving disputes appropriately and creating a forgiving school.One table of children in the dinner hall had a discussion and debate about what they could easily forgive and what they would find harder to forgive.
Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about forgiveness.

Week 10 (Beginning 08.11.21)

KINDNESS: Generosity

What does it mean to be generous?Whole school Launch of value.
Why do we use a Tree for Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence?
Children demonstrated a really good understanding of being generous with their time, smiles, love etc and not just money.
An award was given to a child who had given up his playtime to look after his friend who had hurt himself.
The Diamond Learning Zone gave an award to Opal and Amethyst for inviting them to share in their Remembrance Poem.
EYFS were generous by sharing their poem with the whole school on Friday.
The whole school made and signed a card for a member of our community who made and donated a bug hotel for us to thank him for his generosity.
Class assemblies on Remembrance.
Open the Book performance ‘Jesus and the Children’ Matthew 18-19
Collection for British Legion and how our generosity can help others.
Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about generosity.

Week 11 (Beginning 15.11.21)

KINDNESS: Gratitude

What does it mean to have gratitude?Whole school Launch of value.
Class assemblies on Gratitude.
Open the Book performance ‘Not so ordinary Mary’
(Luke Ch 1)
Older children have learnt about homelessness.
Assemblies have been delivered in class about Anti-bullying Week.
Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about being grateful.
Children are able to identify that gratitude means thankful.
They could give some great ideas for how we can tell others that we are grateful.
Children were asked to try to let someone know they are thankful.
On Friday children gave some really moving examples:
“I made my mam a card to thank her for everything she does for me.”
“I’m grateful that my mam makes my breakfast every morning so I tidied my room to save her a job.”
“I said thank you to my family for a lovely birthday.”
Children were able to identify groups who may not be as fortunate as they are and related this to Children In Need.
The Charities Team were able to link it to the work they have done for MacMillan and The British Legion.

Week 12 (Beginning 22.11.21)

KINDNESS: Gratitude

What does it mean to be grateful we are all different?Whole school Launch of value linked to different family structures.
Class assemblies on Gratitude.
Bible Story from Luke 1 – His Name is John.
Emerald reflected on someone they could write a thank you letter to and identified how that would make them feel.
KS1 & EYFS explored the idea of our school family and children were able to identify times when people had helped them and they were grateful.
Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about being grateful for our families.
Comments from children in launch collective worship:
“Family is everything.”
“Your family work hard to keep you safe.”
“In a family they all love each other.”
“My family makes me happy.”
“I am grateful for my family because some people don’t have a family at all.”
“I’m grateful that my dad works so hard to look after us.”
“I’m grateful to my mam for making my breakfast.”
“I’m grateful to my big brother for playing with me.”
“I am thankful for my older brother and sister for making time for me.”

Week 13 (Beginning 29.11.21)

KINDNESS: Gratitude

What does it mean to be grateful for the world we live in?Whole school Launch of value linked to the Environment. Changed from focus on water to focus on electricity linked to the events of the weekend.
Class assemblies on Gratitude.
Bible Story from Matthew 1 & Luke 2 – The Birth of Jesus.
Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about being grateful.
Children were able to talk openly about their experiences of the power cuts over the weekend and those still without electricity were able to share the impact it was having on their families. They gave examples of the community helping each other and supporting each other and could relate that to our vision of KFC.
Quote from children during our reflective session:
“I am grateful for my mum, dad and brother”
“I am thankful for my family.”
“I love my family. If one dies your heart is incomplete.”
“I am grateful that our electricity came back on yesterday.”

Week 14 (Beginning 06.12.21)

KINDNESS: Gratitude

What does it mean to be grateful for what we have compared to others who may not have as much?Whole school Launch of value linked to being grateful for what we have compared to others less fortunate.
Class assemblies on Gratitude.
EYFS & KS1 had collective worship to reinforce the Christmas Story.
Bible Story delivered by Open The Book Team – ‘The Shepherds Story’.
Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about being grateful.
You can really see the progress in children talking about and thinking about gratitude. Focusing on this area for a few weeks has had a significant impact.
Children were able to identify characters from the Christmas story who were grateful, what they were grateful for and could make links to their own lives.
On Friday a child gave a certificate to another child for being kind – a first in our school which demonstrates how embedded our KFC vision is across school.
A child was also given an award by a member of our Academy Council who had been in school and saw this child being very kind to another.
What a lovely school we have!

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