Eco Assistants 2019-2020
Alice and Chloe are our Eco Assistants this year.
This is a very responsible role which includes helping Mrs Cross to run Eco Club during the Spring and Summer months. Eco Assistants are also responsible for looking after the school gardens every week and also help to create habitats for wildlife.
Our Eco Assistants have helped to raise money for the school garden; develop a Hedgehog Action Plan and have sold produce at the Summer Fair and Easter Fair.
They work tirelessly to weed, water and protect our vegetable garden, our herb compass and raised beds. This year they have a huge job on their hands to tidy up our quiet reading garden which is a bit overgrown!
Eco Assistants 2018-2019
Our Eco Assistants this year are: Alice & Georgia.
Every Autumn and Summer term, Mrs Cross runs an Eco Club which meets after school on a Thursday. The Eco Assistants help to look after the school gardens throughout the week and throughout the rest of the year when Eco club does not run. This is a very responsible role as the flowers, bulbs, vegetables and wildlife all depend upon the Eco Assistants doing their job well.
The Eco Assistants also keep the outdoor classroom and garden shed clean and tidy and put up notices and displays when appropriate. They write letters to ask for donations and always write to thank anyone who gives us anything for our garden.
This year the Eco Assistants led a guided tour of the school grounds for the North Pennines Horticultural Society who were extremely impressed. They were amazed at the knowledge and confidence of the Eco Assistants and since their visit have donated pots, plants, money and seed potatoes.